Mér hefur hlotist sá heiður að vera á úrvalslista Kraums árið 2009. Mega gaman! Svo er bara að sjá hvort ég verð fyrir valinu á miðvikudaginn 16.des:) Sjá frétt í Mogganum á bls. 35 í dag.
RUV 1 National Radio devotes a whole programme to my music!
On 6th of November the National Radio (RUV 1) devoted a whole one-hour program to my music. Lana Kolbrún Eddudóttir´s program 5/4 played music from my CD´s “Q” and “Boundaries / Mæri as well as playing some samples of an interview by Guðni Tómasson taken earlier this Autumn.
you can listen to the show here (http://dagskra.ruv.is/ras1/4508297/2009/11/06/)
Arni Karlsson Trio on National TV
The trio, with Gunnar and Scott, played tonight at the Kastljos Show on Channel 1 on RUV, the Icelandic National TV. The tune, Unborn, is the last tune on the record Mæri (released August 2009). Take a look at it here
(If the link does not open, try and copy/paste this link to your browser http://dagskra.ruv.is/sjonvarpid/4472043/2009/10/20/3/ )
Great film, narrated by Nick Cave.
The Cat Piano tells a little story of love, evil, rescue, and music. Tell me what you think…
The Cat Piano from PRA on Vimeo.
Reykjavik Jazz Festival 2009 has ended
…and most Icelandic jazz players are happy to take a little break. The release concert for Mæri was on August 28 and you can see pictures from it here🙂
Recording of the interview on the National Radio
You can listen to a recording of the interview from Víðsjá earlier today by following this link
(if the link above does not open, use this link http://http.0.muli.rs.ruv.is/audio.ruv.is/4426283$2.wma )
Interview on Icelandic National Radio (RUV 1)
Today, I´ll be appearing on the National Radio, RUV 1 in the program Víðsjá that airs from 17 – 18 GMT. The host, Guðni Tómasson will be interviewing me and then then some of the songs from Mæri / Boundaries will be played.
listen in on http://dagskra.ruv.is/ras1/